7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy - FitBuddy



Saturday, 17 March 2018

7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

If a couple is considering to have a baby or the baby is on the way. The future mother probably knows the basics about how to be healthier during the pregnancy period. Don`t smoke, drink alcohol or do something that will endanger pregnancy. We made a list of 7 tips that will help you go throughout your pregnancy on the healthiest way possible!
Without further ado let`s start with introducing those 7 tips that will change your and your future baby lives.

1.Take a Prenatal Vitamin

What you need to know about Prenatal Vitamin is that it will help you in the first mount of the pregnancy. Your baby`s neural cord develops in the first mount of gestation. It`s crucial that you need to get essential nutrients for example folic acid, calcium, iron for baby`s good. You can find Prenatal vitamins in every store, but you will probably need a prescription from your doctor. By taking the Prenatal Vitamins you will feel queasy, we suggest you take them before you go to sleep.


During the pregnancy, it is essential to exercise. The future moms while exercising they can care for the extra pounds they gain, and after the pregnancy, they will lose their extra pounds much faster than the moms who don’t exercise daily. Looking on the bright side not only that exercising will help you, but it will help you to give a perfect example to your child.
It doesn`t matter what kind of exercising is it, yoga, pilates, swimming even walking, all of them is an excellent way to be active during the day. We suggest you visit your doctor before you are ready to exercise!

3.Write a Birth Plan

It`s essential to write a birth plan, but even more important is to let everyone know about your program so make a couple of copy and spread to everyone who is with you during those 9 mounts. According to the American Pregnancy Association, there is a couple of things to look out for when you are writing your birth plan:
  • Procedures you want to avoid
  • Select clothing you`d like to wear
  • Whether you want music or not
  • Whether you want pain meds or not
  • What to do if you have any complications

4.Educate yourself

This is mostly for the moms that will give birth for the first time, but even if you already have one or two kids, it`s not bad to learn something new. We highly suggest you visit childbirth class to learn a couple of things.

5.Practice Kegels

We are sure everyone has heard about Kegels exercises. Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. If you are practicing this during your pregnancy, the chances to give birth easier are higher and also reduces the chances to have any other problems after the pregnancy is gone. What is the best part about Kegel exercise? No one can tell if you are practice or not.
  • Squeeze and hold for 3 seconds then relax for the same amount of time.
  • Do it ten times!
6.Eat Folate-Rich Food
Folic Acid is the most important for the baby, and it`s essential for the creation of the new red blood cells. It`s perfect for you and for your child to eat folate-rich foods, like asparagus, lentils, oranges, orange juice.

7.Recharge with Fruit

Your doctor told you for sure about caffeine that you need to take it, but to control yourself. In the beginning, it might be hard for you if you have a morning ritual. You should know that caffeine can be dangerous for you and your baby. During the pregnancy, the moms should eat more fruits to detox their body and to eat healthier food.

Hopefully, we will help you with this article!

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